
This document defines concepts and words used in Advisible's advertising platform and its documentation.

Adapters are used to integrate ad servers with the platform. Every adapter consists of a backend and a frontend.
adapter backend
A service that accepts ad requests and responds with ad items and bids. When an ad request is performed on a placement, all connected adapter backends will be queried concurrently.
adapter frontend
The frontend code that receives ad items originating from its backend. The frontend is responsible for rendering the content and track its viewability.
An account that can be selected as the advertiser of a campaign.
Advisible ID
A unique, numeric identifier for publishers, advertisers and producers in the platform.
A full-content ad with headline, main image, lead and a body that may contain images and other embedded content.
article viewability
An article is deemed viewable (i.e., has been read) when it has been in view for an accumulated period of at least 10 seconds. The article is in view when either 50% of its pixels are in the viewport or it covers 50% of the viewport's height.
container element
ADK term referring to an HTML element with the data-adk-container attribute, i.e., the outer element of a container.
CPC, cost per click
An inventory pricing model applicable to teasers, where the advertiser pays the publisher for the number of clicked ads.
CPR, cost per read
An inventory pricing model applicable to articles. The advertiser pays the publisher for the number of viewable articles.
CPM, cost per mille
Cost per a thousand something. Used both as an inventory pricing model and for pricing the platform itself.
delivered on inventory
Ads that are selected by the system and loaded as a result of a placement ad request are delivered on inventory. This is in contrast to directly loaded ads. Teasers are always delivered on inventory while articles can be both directly loaded (e.g., after click on a teaser) and loaded on inventory (e.g., in infinite scroll).
directly loaded
Ads that are loaded as a result of an action by the visitor are directly loaded. This is in contrast to ads delivered on inventory. Only articles can be directly loaded, it is not applicable to teasers. Examples of direct loading is traffic from a search engine or via click on a teaser.
external auction
A mode of operation where the system delivers creatives and bids to an external real-time auction system.
external adapter
An adapter that is implemented in an external system, made available in the platform by registering it's API endpoint.
infinite scroll
Methods used on websites to allow articles to be dynamically loaded as the visitor scrolls past the main article. This term is used in a broad sense by the documentation, spanning from simple solutions where a placement is just appended at the bottom of an article to complete integrations where related content is loaded, the url is updated dynamically, etc.
internal adapter
An adapter that is builtin to the system, for example Content Display (com.advisible.content-display) and True Native Scroll (com.advisible.native.article).
internal auction
A mode of operation where the system fetches creatives and bids from internal and external adapters and performs a real-time auction between the bidders.
A named surface on a website used for displaying ads. An ad request is sent to the platform when the placement is loaded and if there is a matching campaign it will be delivered and rendered at the placement.
placement source
A placement has one or multiple sources. A source links a placement to an adapter and contain adapter-specific configuration.
An account that can create and own campaigns.
An account that can have placements and own inventory.
publisher network
A network that holds a set of publishers (technically placement sources) and producers. The publishers make their inventory available to the producers through the network.
An ad is rendered when it has been drawn on the client device.
An ad that is a link to an article, usually containing at least a headline and an image.
teaser viewability
A teaser is deemed viewable when 50% of its pixels have been inside the viewport for at least 1 continuous second.
vCPM, viewable cost per mille
An inventory pricing model applicable to teasers, where the advertiser pays the publisher for the number of viewable teasers.
The number of viewable ads divided by the number of rendered ads.
See specific definitions for teaser viewability and article viewability.