
Inventory analytics

Inventory analytics contains metrics for placements and their connected sources. It gives insight into things like fill rates, performance and revenue. Producers, publishers and controllers can access inventory analytics by selecting Inventory in the main menu.

There are different views to choose from depending on which account role is used to access the data. The table below describes each view per role.

PublisherSource metricsDelivery metrics and technical performance on placement source level.
Placement metricsDelivery metrics on placement level, for example fill rate, passback count and external adapter call count in a programmatic setup.
TurnoverSold inventory in internal and external auction as well as sold units (imps/views/clicks) in non-bidding setups.
ControllerSource metricsSame as for publishers but including all publishers in the organization.
Placement metricsSame as for publishers but including all publishers in the organization.
TurnoverSame as for publishers but including all publishers in the organization.
Owned network metricsDelivery metrics and technical performance on source level in networks owned by the organization.
Owned network turnoverTraded units and inventory in networks owned by the organization.
ProducerSource metricsDelivery metrics and technical performance in networks where the producer is a member, excluding publishers that have opted out from showing their inventory metrics.
TurnoverPurchased units in internal auction and non-bidding setups, as well as sold units and purchased inventory in external auction.